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In our recent web design project, we have been exploring many different technologies and frameworks. One of the things that we found most interesting was the development of a reader app for iPad. In this post, I am going to cover how iBooks Author makes it easy to create e-book content and gives a straightforward way for others to read your content on their iPad without having to install any other software besides an iOS device. I will also cover some best practices in writing interactive code, drawing canvas elements with JavaScript and manipulating .jpg images with CanvasJS.1) Sign up for an account at ibooksauthor. com. 2) Download the iBooks Author app to your computer or create a new project. 3) Create a new folder to house your content. 1) Under Projects, click New Document to create a blank book page, here is where you will put all of your content. Once you have the basics down, feel free to delete this document. 1) When you create a new chapter page, make sure the format is set as "Chapter." Here is where you write any introductory text and graphics that are needed for each chapter in your book. You can customize each chapter to have its own color scheme by accessing the Colors menu under Page Inspector>General>Page Attributes>Colorful Touch Bar Icon. 2) While you are writing content for your book, there is an option to export the document to PDF. This will work best in conjunction with iBooks Author Pro, since it will allow you to set all of your book's text and graphics in one place before sending it off to be printed. You can also export all of your content in the PDF format at once by using the Export All Pages As PDF command under Document Inspector. With this command, all pages will be exported as a single file.3) Once you have completed your content, or wish to edit any portion of it or delete any chapters that need deleted, select the "iBooks" tab on the menu bar and select "Send To iBooks. This will start a new process that will allow you to take your book one step further by allowing you to put it in the hands of anyone who has an iPad. Here is where you set your book cover, description and price. You can also upload your previously created PDF or manually enter any changes that need made to the content in this stage of the process. Finally, when everything looks just right, click "Send To iBooks" in the upper right hand corner of the screen.5) There is one final option for formatting books in iBooks Author, which is called iCloud photo stream support. This feature is only available when using iOS 6 with Apple's newly released iBooks 2 app. For more information on this feature, go to 1) Open the folder that you created in step 3. 2) Select all of your content and drag it into iBooks Author or into the blank page that you created in step 1.3) Edit your content, scrapping any irrelevant or unnecessary code, scrapping any extraneous or unnecessary images. 4) Create a page for each chapter in your book by following steps 1 and 2 above. Then, drag each chapter into a new project window for easy editing and viewing of the individual chapter pages side by side. cfa1e77820



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