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The best way to get in shape is to learn how to play an instrument. But what if you can't find the time or resources for that? That's when this method provides an easy, healthy, and enjoyable alternative. This post offers a step-by-step guide on how anyone can start playing piano in just ten minutes a day! All you need are your hands, some time, and this article. It also includes basic information about the instruments such as their history and purpose as well as some basic music theory knowledge that will help you understand what's going on before your eyes. So, without further ado, let's get started!The piano is a musical instrument that is played by the way of pressing the keys on its keyboard which sets mechanisms from inside the piano in motion. In order to produce sound, there must be a force which will cause a vibration in a dense, elastic body. In the case of a piano, this body is a large oval shaped piece of wood called a sound board. This board has many small compartments in which metal strings are stretched between two bridges at either end of it. At each end of the compartments, there are small felt-covered hammers that are arranged to strike only one string each when pressed down by one of 88 keys on the keyboard. The compartments in which the strings are placed are called the "cases." The hammers in a piano are arranged so that when a key is pressed down, a hammer at the other end of the case is lifted from its rest position. This causes it to spring forward, striking the string from underneath with a small felt covered piece of wood called a "doe-head" that gives the string a slight push. The force behind this push is great enough to move both ends of the string up and down at either end of its case, creating a vibration in both directions. When placing your fingers on any key on a keyboard piano, you will feel two different types of springs, one for each direction of movement. The one towards the front of the piano is called the "hammer shank" and it is used to help prepare for playing by stabilizing the hammer, while the other type is called an "escapement" spring. This second spring acts to push back on the return stroke of a key thus stabilizing it for subsequent operations. These vibrations are picked up by a thin piece of wood at each end of keyboard, placed there specifically because it vibrates well. This acts as a sounding board that will amplify these vibrations into true piano sounds. At this point, tiny metal tines are positioned in each sounding board to amplify these already amplified vibrations even more so they can reach your ears as audible sounds. All of this is accomplished with minimal pressure from the pianist. In fact, the key to playing a good piano for many years is to never press it down hard at all. In order for this instrument to produce a beautiful sound, it must be played softly and with a minimum amount of pressure. This allows the hammers inside of the piano to gradually move into position without bouncing back and forth too much, thus preserving a beautiful tone that lasts for many years. The National Piano Manufacturers Association states that a new piano arrives at its peak value between 50 and 800 hours depending on how often it is used and maintained. cfa1e77820